Professional Licensing

Professional Licensing Issues? We Can Help.

When you are a member of a licensed profession, your professional credentials are critical to your ability to earn your livelihood. Anything that threatens your license needs to be dealt with promptly and effectively so that you can continue to work unhindered in your chosen field.

At the law firm of Lynch & Eatman, L.L.P., our Raleigh professional licensing attorneys provide personalized advice and representation to real estate agents, general contractors, architects, accountants, lawyers and other professionals confronted with licensing challenges.

Taking Action To Resolve Licensing Challenges And Avoid Disputes

If you have received a complaint from your professional licensing board or commission, you need a lawyer who is familiar with the professional regulatory system and who is prepared to take the necessary steps to resolve the complaint and protect your license.

Our professional licensing attorneys have extensive experience responding to licensing complaints and representing individuals and businesses in disciplinary hearings, settlement conferences and other licensing proceedings. Our firm also helps clients take proactive steps to avoid licensing complaints by reviewing contracts, agreements, letters and other documents to ensure that they protect our clients’ interests and by helping them resolve pending disputes with customers and other professionals.

Attorneys Who Are On Your Side; Call Today

If you have received a professional licensing complaint or have been targeted for any other type of administrative action, we can help. To schedule a meeting to discuss your case with one of our attorneys at Lynch & Eatman, L.L.P., please contact us at 919-571-3332 or by email.